The SP Bookshelf: Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount–Jesus’s address in chapters 5 to 7 of Matthew’s gospel–has been called the core of Christian ethics because, more than anywhere else in scripture, it summarizes how Jesus calls us to live. But is it realistic? One longstanding tradition of interpretation considers the sermon a “counsel of perfection,” fit only for monks and nuns or others with a special, all-consuming religious call. These five books, on the other hand, present the sermon as an attainable guide for all faithful people.

Posted on February 17, 2024 and filed under SP Bookshelf.


“mACHO” interrogates audiovisually the male experience of emotions and the masculine suppression of their expression.

Posted on December 27, 2023 and filed under Video.

I Found God

“I found God in the names: Heaven, Angel, Isaiah meaning “God saves”, Okesene  meaning oxygen in Samoan—like the breath of God in our lungs.”

Posted on December 27, 2023 and filed under Poetry.

Reflecting on Leadership

“The old-school thought is that somehow somebody’s born with [leadership]. But research and case studies show that it’s a practice, that people who feel like they’re not natural leaders can turn out to be great leaders. One of the reasons we bring in guest speakers to the classes is to show that they’re human beings. They mess up. They have fun. And they do a lot of work.”

Posted on December 27, 2023 and filed under Interview.

Everyone Leads... And?

“Our theme for this Mural issue is leadership. How do we stay humble while exercising power? How do we drive toward goals without running over team members? This is an important theme for us Servant Partners staff. We come to serve our neighborhoods, but we’re often elevated to roles of leadership within them. Is this a temptation to be resisted? A tool to be leveraged?”

Posted on December 27, 2023 and filed under Editorial Introduction.

Mothering in Ministry

Motherhood is an uncertain journey that requires a lot of learning and unlearning and relearning. Even in the uncertainty, I have found that there is nothing in the world like my child experiencing joy, and the people in my life loving her. Being a mother has also allowed me to experience God as a caregiver in a new way—God being committed to me for all of life, no questions asked.

Posted on August 29, 2023 and filed under Prose.

Who Grief Was

Who grief was isn’t who she is today, like an old paint can that hasn’t been used in years you start to forget who grief was as the paint dries. But when the paint is fresh again the smells, the colors are all too familiar to not remember. That old friend is back and what you knew of her has changed, you have changed. You guys get to relearn about each other again. Who grief was isn’t who she is today and neither are you.

Posted on August 29, 2023 and filed under Poetry.

Heavenly Bibliotecas

I like to think there are bibliotecas in Heaven full of wonder & treasures untold. Battles of the angels, stories of Jesus’ love, narratives of the Father’s grandeur, adventures of The Spirit’s journey with mortals.

Posted on August 29, 2023 and filed under Poetry.

More than

Three brothers born beautiful boys brown eyes witnessing and holding pain unknown yet present sorrow no father no thought that life could be anything more than death of freedom prison for life

Posted on August 29, 2023 and filed under Poetry.

Births & Deaths

My dad died last October. After growing up and starting his pastoral career in Los Angeles, California, the pastorate had taken our family north for ten-year segments in small-town Northern California, then Oregon, then Washington. But in his final years, he and mom had moved back to retire in LA; he always seemed to think that was where the action was.

Posted on August 29, 2023 and filed under Editorial Introduction.

The City We Incarnated

The concept of the multiverse is having its fifteen minutes of fame. From the blockbusters of the Marvel cinematic universe to the foreign indie gem Everything Everywhere All at Once, the once-obscure science fiction concept of branching, interlocking universes captures everything, everywhere, all at once. How might the multiverse apply to gentrification?

Posted on January 20, 2023 and filed under Prose.

The Sight of Gentrification

I would be hard-pressed to imagine a better illustration of gentrification than white-washing a mural of local cultural heroes to make things comfortable for rich relocators. But the examples of Chavez and Villa surely encourage the locals to resist. Neighbors have rallied and agitated, and leaders have talked to the new owner. So far, the mural is untouched. We’ll see how long it remains.

Posted on January 20, 2023 and filed under Editorial Introduction.